Have you ever wondered about how scientists determine the composition of materials? Wonder how they do it, sounds like a mystery — well, they have a secret little ally — x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, XRF for short! XRF is a type of analysis that allows scientists to study the elements present in the materials that were used to create different objects. XRF is a secret decoder for everything in the surroundings and, scientists can tell things with this!
It helps to uncover secrets of the materials, which is the beauty of XRF. XRF gives scientists a look at the elements that make up a material, its morphology and potentially even the method of construction. Which means they can read about everything from ancient relics that inform us of history to modern day electronics that we use every day. Knowing these materials allows us to recognize each other to be able to know what they are and what they can do.
One of the greatest features of XRF is it is non destructive. This enables scientists to study it without having to break or damage it. They shine x-rays onto the material and observe how the x-rays reflect. This walk-through helps them to know the composition of the material without altering it in any way. This is extremely crucial, as some materials are rare or fragile, and we want to study them without damaging them.
XRF is an incredibly vibrant kind of analysis for scientists. Previously they would have crushed a material and processed it with an acid, but this left a lot of chance to small variances between one sample and the next. It was often a destructive, slow tedious process that ruined the material to be analysed. XRF allows scientists to examine materials and artifacts with little investment of time and equipment, and with no damage. So this makes it so much more faster and adds a level of efficiency to research!
One of the advantages of XRF is that it is non-destructive, meaning that it does not damage the materials being tested. All of this is especially crucial for examining delicate materials — such as very old and brittle ancient artifacts. Researchers can examine these fragile artifacts without damaging them, providing insights about our past and the societies that made them. This very much gives us the opportunity to preserve these critical pieces of our history, but also learn from them through XRF.
Well, one more incredible application of XRF is, it can also help in searching hidden treasures! A common thing with treasure is that someone does not want you to know that this is actually gold/silver etc. They paint it up or cover it with a different metal or similar. This can make it hard for other people to see the treasure for what it is. But XRF is able to penetrate the layers and finds the original metal beneath. It has assisted archaeologists in finding lost items which had remained lost for centuries! These little hidden gems are just another way we learn about our history and the people before us.
XRF is used at Nanyang JZJ for customer material testing. That is, we determine the elemental composition of everything from beautiful jewelry to mission-critical electronics, all using XRF. XRF allows us to determine in a fast and non-destructive way the presence of different constituents. This is useful because this helps our customers to take informed decisions about their product. They know what is in their items, ensuring they provide a quality and a safe product.