Los espectrómetros de fluorescencia de rayos X utilizan muestras estándar para la calibración de energía.
When performing energy calibration, X-ray fluorescence spectrometers are usually calibrated using standard samples. These standard samples contain known element content values. By measuring the content values of the corresponding elements in these standard samples, the energy response of the instrument can be calibrated. For example, the ED plastic standard sample (No. C-H30-B-F-5-301BA) is used. This sample contains known content values of elements such as Cr, Hg, Br, Cd, and Pb (in mg/kg). By measuring the content of these elements, the energy response of the instrument can be calibrated. In addition, the ED copper alloy blank standard sample (No. GBR1-2) is also used. By setting a specific radiation source voltage and current, as well as the measurement time, the detection limits of lead, chromium, and cadmium are calculated to further calibrate the energy response of the instrument.
During the calibration process, the detection limit of the instrument is also considered. This is done by using a series of standard samples for testing, setting the test time, making standard working curves for each element when the instrument is in good working condition, and using linear regression to calculate the slope of the working curve to improve the accuracy of the calibration.
In summary, the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer uses the known element content values in the standard samples for energy calibration to ensure the accuracy of the measurement.
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